Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Class Notes—now with pictures!

Since we can't include class notes with photos in the magazine, we're always happy to run photos here! Have pics to send? Email scribe06@mtholyoke.edu.

In 2013, Anna Goltz married Mike Lockaby and she sent along this photo. Left to right, Sabina Yesmin, Katie Kloss, Kristy Matero, Biz Wells, Anna Goltz, Emily Giglierano (best bridesmaid ever!), Emily Lamia, and Christine Leonard. Becca Vernon was in attendance as well. She writes, "We couldn't have asked for better weather, better company, or a better time."

In September 2012, Helen Fallat married Aimee Molinaro on Guemes Island, WA. Left to right: Bec Chapin (Gavagan), Sarah Shattuck, Allison Doran, Bryn Oakleaf, Molly Catchen, Kate Minette, Skye Peebles, Jeannie Curry, and Kim Guilbault.